From the Base Paths to the Boardroom with Damon Lembi: Lead to Succeed 120


Episode Summary:

In the complex landscape of professional challenges, there comes a defining juncture— a moment when setbacks and obstacles prompt a crucial question: Is it time to deepen your skills, to evolve and overcome, or is it the signal for a more profound shift, a redirection towards a new career path? 

In this episode, we explore this delicate balance with our guest Damon Lembi who himself had to navigate this intricate terrain. 

For nearly three decades, Damon has led Learnit through the ever-changing L&D landscape, gaining insight into what works, how great leaders learn, and why learn-it-all companies outpace their competition. 

Coming to business from a career in baseball, he brings an athlete’s perspective on leadership and training to my informal mentoring of executives. Damon has distilled those hard-won insights into his bestselling book, “The Learn-It-All Leader—Mindset, Traits, and Tools.” 

Listen in and learn more about the Learn-It-All Leader.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

[02:30] How Damon got to where he is today.

[08:26] What Damon finds to be the characteristic of those who fail but still manage to find a successful new path.

[12:32] Was Damon advised to fully commit to his baseball passion without a backup plan, or was there family pressure to join the family business?

[16:20] Damon's advice for leaders who encounter rapid failures and those who need to cut loose and redirect onto a new path.

[22:10] What are the key technical and soft skills that leaders, both current and aspiring, want to learn to improve?

[24:22] How does Damon guide people managing remote teams to do so effectively without micromanaging?

[28:42] More about Damon’s book.

[31:02] The definition of a “Learn-It-All Leader”.

[31:47] Damon’s biggest failure and how he grew from it.

[33:11] Rapid-fire questions.

[35:02] Damon’s most famous teammate or coach he ever had.

[35:46] Damon’s final life lesson.

Standout Quote from the Episode:

  • “Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

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