12 Personal “T.H.A.N.K.S.G.I.V.I.N.G” Reasons To Show Appreciation

Thanksgiving is one of the popular holidays of the year. For many, it's a time to be with family and enjoy delicious food (and some football). It's also the kickoff to the holiday shopping season. At its essence, though, Thanksgiving is all about gratitude.

Thanksgiving is one of the most popular holidays of the year.

For many, it’s a time to be with family and enjoy delicious food (and some football).

It’s also the kickoff to the holiday shopping season.

At its essence, though, Thanksgiving is all about gratitude,

Whether you choose to remember how early American settlers survived a difficult winter or something more recent and personal, Thanksgiving gives us all opportunity to pause and reflect about all the goodness in our lives and say, “Thank you.”

🙏 “Thank you” for your gifts

🙏 “Thank you” for your opportunities

🙏 “Thank you” to the special people in your life

🙏 “Thank you” to the Being that produced you

Here are my 12 “thank yous,” listed in acronym format:

  1. Think – My ability to think, reflect, be creative and solve problems may be the biggest gift I have.

  2. Health – Without health, I could not achieve. My health means everything and I work hard, through exercise, diet and attitude, to preserve it.

  3. Attitude – The right attitude allows me to see the good where I would otherwise see bad. Attitude is what gives me the swagger and confidence to aim high. It helps me to pick up and keep moving despite setbacks.

  4. New (and existing) clients – I would not be in business without my clients. I appreciate all of them, especially those that have come aboard more recently and trusted in my ability to serve them.

  5. Kids – My kids are my world. All six of them, as different as they each are, give me more joy than I can imagine.

  6. Spouse – My wife is my rock and the one I turn to through thick and thin. I couldn’t have built my life without her.

  7. God – My Creator and confidant. The Being I turn to when I am in pain or need to express my love and appreciation for a life of bounty and goodness.

  8. Impetus – Like attitude, impetus pushes me ever forward. I am blessed to be able to plow ahead even when everything seems to be pushing down on me.  

  9. Values – Values guide me each day with clarity and direction. They drive decision making and help me navigate complex situations.

  10. Internet – The internet has turned the world into a small playground. I can find and meet almost anyone and have made so many new connections online. The internet allows people to find and connect with me and my content in such a quick and powerful way.

  11. Neighbors/community – Outside of family, this is the group I value most. We share common values and experiences and are there for one another at moments of need.

  12. Gratitude – I express gratitude over my ability to express gratitude. I am thankful that I can recognize much (though certainly not all) of the goodness in my life and have enough space in my heart to share my feelings.

What are you most thankful for this holiday season?