How to be productive when fasting

1.5 liters of water 💧, a moderate workout 🏋, and 2 protein shakes 🥤.

That’s how I started my day (at 4:45).

Why? Read on! 👇

It’s hard to get back to work on an empty stomach.

But that’s what’s happening for many of my coreligionists today who are fasting.

(Today is the Jewish fast day of 10 Teves, which commemorates a meaningful first step in the destruction of the first Jerusalem Temple around 2500 years ago. Learn more about this date and its significance here.)

The past week or so has “been slow” due to the holidays.

Today is the first “real day” of work in a while.

Yet, you’re already counting down the hours and taking internal inventory of your energy and hydration levels.

And you know that you will soon start to struggle with focus and concentration, as well as productivity.

So, what can you do to “get through,” particularly on a day when others are energized to be back at work?

Try these strategies (though admittedly some of these needed to be done already, but anyways):

  1. Eat a healthy, filling breakfast. (Yup, you gotta get up a bit earlier for that one.)

  2. Plan your day. Doing so gives you clarity and direction, making it easier to stay focused.

  3. Schedule easier, less cognitively demanding tasks. Where possible, avoid tasks that are overly demanding on the mind. It’s hard to concentrate on an empty stomach.

  4. Take breaks and a nap. These will help you recharge and restore energy for the next task.

What’s your “go to” on fast days?