Overcoming Isolation with Nick Jonsson: Lead to Succeed 111


As the old saying goes: “It’s lonely at the top.” Not addressing executive loneliness may cause difficulties for executives to keep functioning normally. That’s why Lead to Succeed guest Nick Jonsson, focuses so much on this topic.

Nick is an International Best-Selling Author & Award-Winning Speaker, Leadership Keynote Speaker, Executive Mental Health Advocate.

Nick is also the Co-Founder and MD of EGN Singapore, one of Asia’s premier networking organizations. He built a caring community that provides hundreds of executives a safe haven to share their challenges and receive support and learn from each other.

Nick is passionate about raising awareness of mental health and combating loneliness in the modern business world. He recently published a book, "Executive Loneliness: The 5 Pathways to Overcoming Isolation, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in the Modern Business World," which provides practical strategies for overcoming isolation and building connections in the workplace. 

Listen in and learn more about ways to manage executive loneliness.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

[02:30] What loneliness feels like to executives and why it happens.

[04:15] More about Nick’s organization and its primary benefits that leaders get from networking and others.

[05:31] What Nick have you found to be helpful for people to break through the sense of loneliness. Is it happening only when they’re in meetings or between sessions as well?

[07:34] The importance of vulnerability - especially for men.

[11:07] The importance of vulnerability while communicating with others and why people respond so well to that.

[14:06] Nick’s take on how external expressions and visualizations of success can still leave people feeling empty inside. And what we can do in a societal sense to better address this issue.

[16:52] Nick’s approach to help people become more resilient.

[18:50] How “living one day at a time” looks practically speaking.

[20:24] Something that Nick holds to be true that almost nobody agrees with.

[23:22] Nick’s biggest mistake and how he learned and grew from it.

[24:44] Rapid-fire questions.

[26:30] Nick’s final life lesson.

Standout Quotes from the Episode:

“It can be lonely at every level in an organization.”

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