Transforming Leadership in the Education Sector with Dr. Patrick Haggarty: Lead to Succeed 89

Are you a school leader who is struggling with building a relationship with teachers and parents? This episode is for you. In this episode, I have the pleasure of hosting Dr. Patrick Haggarty on the show. He is an expert in school leadership.

Patrick is the president of FACTS Education Solutions. Prior to that, he was a high school principal, a K-12 school system president, superintendent of the Catholic Dioceses of Montana, and the superintendent of the Archdiocese of Seattle, where he led 74 schools and represented 22,000 students throughout Western Washington. 

Patrick will share some nuggets of wisdom that will help us become better leaders. Also, he will share one of the biggest mistakes he has ever made and what he learned from the mistake.

Listen to this episode and learn.

This episode is sponsored by the Impactful Business Leadership Mastermind.

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Key Talking Points of the Episode:

[02:15] What can schools learn from how businesses are run, and what can businesses learn from how schools operate?

[06:32] How Patrick can help a business understand its mission and help them come up with a mission that aligns with their mission

[11:05] Patrick’s leadership evolution story

[15:15] Patrick’s strategies on making people feel valued

[21:57] The greatest challenges facing education

[25:31] Why is there a deterioration in the relationship between parents and teachers, and how can we improve it?

[29:03] Patrick’s biggest failures and how he overcame them

[32:05] Rapid fire questions

Magical Quotes from the Episode:

  • “Never underestimate the importance of building positive relationships of respect and trust with moms, dads and children.”

  • “I think parents are busy, teachers are busy. It’s the school leader’s responsibility to intentionally connect the school and the home.”

  • “As we become more technologically advanced, it’s easier for us to become technologically removed from each other.”

  • “My evolution of leadership has been always to be a learner and take a step back before criticizing others.”

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