Posts tagged negative self talk
You’re Better Than You Think: Tips to Overcome Imposter Syndrome at Work

Debbie has been lucky. Or so she thinks. How else can she explain her many successes and promotions at work? It certainly doesn’t have anything to her hard work and skill development, or the relationships that she’s carefully built over the years, does it?

Of course, it does. But you’d be shocked to learn how many Debbies are out there, ascribing their successes to good fortune and their failures to their self-perception of inadequacy. Each raise, promotion or accolade is accompanied by the dread that, one day, their cover will be blown, and everyone will find out that they’ve just been getting lucky time and again.

What Debbie and many others suffer from is an unhealthy dose of impostor syndrome. Impostor syndrome occurs when you believe your inner critic when it tells you that you’ve only succeeded due to luck, and not because of your talent or qualifications.

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Stop beating yourself up! 😞

We all have lots of decisions to make. 🤔

Some of them in retrospect don't look so good. 😡

But whatever happened, it's already over.

We need to learn to let things go and allow ourselves the space to move forward, find solutions and live our lives moving on to the fullest.

Give yourself permission to make mistakes.

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