Become a Leadership Junkie with Tim Lupinacci: Lead to Succeed 114


Episode Summary:

Leadership isn't tied to titles or roles; it's about using your qualities to create a positive impact. That’s what Lead to succeed guest Tim Lupinacci will be discussing, plus a whole lot more!

Tim Lupinacci spent the first 28 years of his legal practice focused on helping financial institutions solve complex problems arising in commercial restructuring and bankruptcy matters throughout the country. Four years ago, he was selected as CEO and Chair of Baker Donelson, which is one of the 100 largest law firms in the country. In this, and prior, leadership positions, he has led the Firm through significant organizational change, growth, and the global pandemic. He continues leading Baker Donelson through its five-year BakerVision 2028 strategy, and the execution of its Diversity & Inclusion Compact.

As a self-professed “leadership junkie”, Tim’s journey to stepping up as a leader began thirty years ago as a young lawyer after disappointing a boss with an epic failure. In the three decades since, Tim has studied, read, and grown his leadership skills through hard work, being curious, trying novel ideas, failing, learning from the failures, and getting better every day. This culminated in launching a non-profit called “Everybody Leads” focused on empowering individuals in underserved communities with basic leadership skills and confidence to better lead themselves, lead others, and lead in the community.

Listen in and learn more about becoming a leadership junkie.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

[02:59] Tim’s story and how he rose to CEO.

[09:59] How Tim stays connected with his people.

[12:42] How Tim strategically balances sharing to humanize himself while maintaining distance to uphold his esteemed position.

[16:55] How Tim maximizes trust and cooperation in decision-making.

[20:28] The story behind “Everybody Leads”.

[22:57] Tim's most surprising participant feedback from his training.

[26:42] Qualities that post-covid leaders specifically need to have that pre-covid leaders didn’t have to have.

[28:17] Tim’s biggest mistake in life and how he grew from it.

[29:53] Rapid-fire questions.

[33:07] Tim’s final life lesson.

Standout Quotes from the Episode:

“You’ve got to connect as a leader no matter how many people you’re leading.”

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