Be Intentional with Jeff Eschliman: Lead to Succeed 113


Episode Summary:

Leading with intention is about focusing on a goal or initiative, one that has purpose and meaning for the enterprise. Intentional leaders know WHAT they’re doing and WHY they’re doing it. That’s what Lead to Succeed guest Jeff Eschliman will be sharing.

Jeff is an executive coach with 30 years of experience from combat in Iraq to the corporate boardroom. Jeff is a sought-after expert for building and scaling results-driven teams. He believes hiring the right people, equipping them with the tools they need to be successful, and then holding them accountable for results is the secret to exceptional business success. He knows creating culture through attracting top talent, intentional onboarding, and rigorous top-grading are critical for winning with people.

Listen in and learn more about the importance of becoming an intentional leader.

Key Talking Points of the Episode:

[03:25] How Jeff got to where he is now and his take on building quality teams in the work that he does.

[08:04] Jeff’s advice for anyone who’s looking to hire to ensure they get real answers.

[13:08] Jeff’s sharing about the onboarding process - and beyond it - to ensure people are as happy and engaged as possible.

[17:22] What got Jeff to want to help executives create a lifestyle where success and harmony coexist and how he does it.

[20:21] Jeff explaining how living in success and harmony practically looks like for people and the key elements that ultimately bring people to that place.

[23:05] The person that Jeff would like to spend 1 hour with, whom he would never otherwise meet.

[25:02] What Jeff most admires about Colin Powell.

[28:29] Jeff’s biggest mistake in life and what he learned from it.

[30:21] Rapid-fire questions.

[32:40] Jeff’s final life lesson.

Standout Quote from the Episode:

“Leadership is a long game.”

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