Think Big. Do Bigger!

I grew up in a home that was poor

Not materially poor (we were “middle class,” but on the lower end,) as much as mentally poor

While we never went hungry, we also never had the luxuries many others enjoyed

🚘 A car (in fairness, we lived in Manhattan, so car ownership wasn’t an absolute necessity)

🏡 A home (our 3-bedroom apartment needed to accommodate 8 people)

🧥👖 Extra clothes

🥩 Fancy food

🏝️ Vacations

💵 Large donations to institutions we cared about

But that wasn’t what made us “poor”

It was an inherited and frequently transmitted mindset that 💲 was bad (wealthy people were disparagingly referred to as “money bags” 💰)

It was also a limited belief in what was possible

We followed the “get a good education and get a job so you can pay the bills” mentality that has entrapped so many people

I followed that mental path for the first 15 years of married life

I was a teacher 👨‍🏫 and school leader, so I lived paycheck to paycheck, squirreling away money as I could

I brought the same way of thinking into my coaching business

But, as I began to consider my own life as well as the success and careers of my clients, I knew that my mindset needed to shift

Over the last eight years, I started to think more and more in terms of #abundance

Investing in myself so that I can amplify others

Thinking that bigger is possible and that wealth is both a reflection of the value I create as well as a tool to have a greater impact on the world

I can proudly say that while I would not consider myself materially wealthy (yet,) we are now “upper” middle class and things keep getting better, thank G-d

Think big and do bigger!

The world is your oyster 🦪