11 Traits of Successful People

“Success leaves clues.” Tony Robbins

Are you curious to know what separates the truly successful from everyone else? Do you want to know what the highest performers do that distinguish them from the pack?

Well, between my experience with my own high-achieving clients and my research, here are some qualities that I came up with.

  1. Drive and passion – Successful people are driven and passionate about what they do. They work harder than most and make sure things get done. They take pride in seeing things getting completed and take charge when necessary. Their passion is contagious and rubs off on others around them, who start to believe what they believe.

  2. Self-reliance – They take responsibility for getting things done and rely on themselves first and foremost for the outcomes that they seek.

  3. Grit and patience – Most successful people don’t succeed right away. In fact, they often experience (and continue to experience) many setbacks. But they have a great work ethic, mindset, and attitude. They persevere and eventually break through.

  4. Authenticity – Being genuine and authentic is more important than ever. In our filtered world, it’s easy to get lost in the latest shiny trend, even when it does not align with who you are. Successful people are authentic and show up each day as their very best selves.

  5. Integrity and self-awareness – Successful people are in deep touch with themselves and have faith in their abilities. They operate from strong morals and values and show up each day as their true selves. They are not threatened by others’ success. Others respect them and want to support and get behind them.

  6. Connection – To be successful, you must surround yourself with great people. Successful people have a strong circle of friends who they lean on for support, insights, and inspiration. These people are not afraid to challenge each other and disagree where they feel that their friends are slacking or are flat out wrong. In addition, they can relate to everyone around them and get them on board with what they seek to achieve.

  7. Generosity – These people are servant leaders. They put others first and see the world for more than what it can offer them. They give to others and “pay it forward.” They want to pass along what they’ve discovered, which perpetuates their own learning, keeps them sharp, and motivates them to do more than they otherwise would.

  8. Optimism – To be optimistic is to believe that what you’re doing will succeed and make a positive impact on others. Success comes from those who hold these beliefs about their work.

  9. Curiosity – Successful folks think outside the box and explore new ways to get things done. They’re willing to change where needed and are not married to their own ideas.

  10. Faith – The people who perform at the highest-level tap into something greater than themselves. They source strength from above and have the humility to know that it’s not all about them. Their faith gives them the confidence to trust themselves and their mission.

  11. Communication You work to communicate and pay attention to the communicators around you. Most important, you hear what isn’t being said. When communication is present, trust and respect follow.

I would love to hear your thoughts. Anything missing? Should something be removed from the list or (de)prioritized?