Tips to overcome call rejection

I'm currently listening to Jia Jiang's Rejection Proof.

It's a powerful story about how the author's personal fear of rejection and desire to please others created an unintentional international movement to help people overcome rejection and get more out of life and their careers.

Which is one of the areas that I will be focusing on in my upcoming webinar training, "
Overcoming Call Reluctance."

This webinar will share powerful strategies to help sales professionals overcome call reluctance and develop a superstar mindset, leading to increased confidence and more sales. 🏹

And we’ll share many tips to help salespeople overcome sales rejection, such as these below.

  1. Reframe rejection: Instead of seeing rejection as a personal failure, reframe it as a natural part of the sales process. Understand that rejection is not a reflection of your worth as a person but rather a response to the product or service you're offering.

  2. Set realistic expectations: Understand that not every prospect will be interested in your offering, and that's okay. Set realistic expectations and prepare yourself mentally for both positive and negative outcomes.

  3. Focus on the benefits: Believe in the value and benefits of what you're offering. When you genuinely believe in your product or service, it becomes easier to handle rejection because you understand that you're offering something valuable that may not be the right fit for everyone.

  4. Learn from rejection: Treat rejection as an opportunity to learn and improve. Ask for feedback from prospects who reject your offer, and use that feedback to refine your approach and enhance your sales techniques.

  5. Build resilience: Develop a resilient mindset to bounce back from rejection quickly. Remind yourself of past successes and positive experiences, and maintain a positive attitude even when facing rejection. Surround yourself with supportive colleagues or mentors who can provide encouragement and advice.

More in the webinar, plus resources to keep and refer back to!