Posts tagged fulfillment
Being SMART About Your Goals - Sign up for the FREE Webinar!
  • Do you feel that your time at work is not as well spent as it needs to be?
  • Are you a busy entrepreneur or team leader who seeks to accomplish a great deal despite being understaffed and overstretched?
  • Do you have a sense of what you can achieve or become that you can’t seem to actualize?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above, then you may need to look more carefully at your goal-setting practices.

Goal setting is a critical component of any growth process, personal or professional. There are many benefits of setting goals, including…

  1. Clarity and Focus – Goals motivate us to cut through the weeds and get focused on what’s really important.
  2. Planning – Goals help us map out the necessary steps to achieve our desired result.
  3. Accountability – Goals force us to set and meet deadlines and be accountable to others.
  4. Transparency – When shared, goals help others understand what we’re focused on.
  5. Self-esteem – Goals raise our self-confidence as we see ourselves grow and progress.
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Being SMART About Your Goals
  • Do you feel that your time at work is not as well spent as it needs to be?
  • Are you a busy entrepreneur or team leader who seeks to accomplish a great deal despite being understaffed and overstretched?
  • Do you have a sense of what you can achieve or become that you can’t seem to actualize?

If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above, then you may need to look more carefully at your goal-setting practices.

Goal setting is a critical component of any growth process, personal or professional. There are many benefits of setting goals, including…

  1. Clarity and Focus – Goals motivate us to cut through the weeds and get focused on what’s really important.
  2. Planning – Goals help us map out the necessary steps to achieve our desired result.
  3. Accountability – Goals force us to set and meet deadlines and be accountable to others.
  4. Transparency – When shared, goals help others understand what we’re focused on.
  5. Self-esteem – Goals raise our self-confidence as we see ourselves grow and progress.
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Blazing your own path to success

Did you ever look around in amazement at people around you who have achieved extraordinary things, yet don’t appear to be all that extraordinary?

These are people who have greatly succeeded in business, in politics, in the arts, in sports, or in some other space, but in many respects seem pretty much on par with you (or even inferior) in terms of core abilities and talents. How is it, you wonder, that they “made it” in such a robust manner while you continue to middle along in relative obscurity, earning a pedestrian income and feeling somewhat unfulfilled?

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