Get Your People Out of Their Caves

Your people are living in a cave and it's your job to get them out of it.

That may sound kind of crazy. But stay with me.

If you’re like most leaders, your people are showing up every day, doing their thing and they don't really have the time, the bandwidth, the interest in learning new things.

They certainly don’t make the time to understand best practices and the innovations, the creativity, the change, that's happening in the world around them.

Often, they’re completely clueless.

Listen to the story that I share in this video about my own “cave” experience.

You, as leader, need to be providing consistent information, ideas, skills, tools and techniques, to help them grow and to go beyond the cave in which they live.

You want to be the person who is getting the information, curating it, sharing it, using it in meetings, in conversations. Helping people to grow, helping people to learn what's out there.

Send them to conferences and networking events.

Let them get a broader sense of what's happening out there so that they can remain current, remain, of course, committed, motivated, engaged, because they feel like they're really progressing.

Create a culture that says that the teaching and learning and developing new skills are all valued, all important, and all things that we should aspire for.

Get them learning, get them doing because it's with that information, when you empower them, it motivates them, it excites them and encourages them to do whatever they're doing well already, even better. And adding new tools and new information to their tool-kits all the time so that they can perform at their very best.