Posts in forgiveness
They broke our trust. Now what?

Determining if someone is truly sorry and trustworthy can be a complex and subjective process, but there are several key factors to consider when trying to assess their sincerity and reliability:

  1. Apology and Acknowledgment: A genuine apology is often the first step. The person should acknowledge their wrongdoing, take responsibility for their actions, and express remorse for the harm they've caused.

  2. Empathy and Understanding: A sincere apology should demonstrate empathy and understanding of how their actions have affected you or others. They should be able to articulate the impact of their behavior on your feelings.

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I choose to see how I've succeeded, not how I've failed

Recently, a dental crown came loose.

It filled a gap from a tooth that I lost years ago due to neglect.

Root canal and all.

Back in the day, I would brush less frequently, drink soda, and view dental visits as things to avoid.

The result was that I lost a couple of teeth and had some others that needed much help to save.

Since then, my personal dental care has improved significantly.

And, thank God, I haven't even had a cavity in quite some time.

So, when it became clear that I needed to replace the crown (and went through the process of fitting for a new one,) it brought me back to that time when it seemed like I was in for a rude awakening every time I visited the dentist.

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Setting Your Inner Prisoner Free

Of all the great biblical personalities, I connect most to Joseph.

Why? Because of his ability to forgive and see God's hands in everything, even his own pain.

When Joseph finally revealed his identity to the brothers who had sold him into slavery 22 years earlier, he told them not to worry. Everything that happened, he said, had been divinely orchestrated to allow the family to survive the terrible famine.

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