Posts in kindness
I choose to see how I've succeeded, not how I've failed

Recently, a dental crown came loose.

It filled a gap from a tooth that I lost years ago due to neglect.

Root canal and all.

Back in the day, I would brush less frequently, drink soda, and view dental visits as things to avoid.

The result was that I lost a couple of teeth and had some others that needed much help to save.

Since then, my personal dental care has improved significantly.

And, thank God, I haven't even had a cavity in quite some time.

So, when it became clear that I needed to replace the crown (and went through the process of fitting for a new one,) it brought me back to that time when it seemed like I was in for a rude awakening every time I visited the dentist.

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Before judging, pause and ask yourself this question

Oftentimes, we rush to judge others and we assume that people are in full control, and that they're just acting rude, loud, etc. anyway.

But let's remember that we've all had moments where we struggle!

  • We struggle with our emotional health.

  • We struggle with the people around us.

  • We struggle with our finances.

  • We struggle with our physical health.

  • We struggle with our circumstances.

We are constantly struggling! And because of this struggle we don't always have the optimum awareness and sense of how we should be interacting with other people.

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Small Gestures Go a Long Way (Let It Go, Part II)

My "Let It Go" video post got such a powerful response.

I think it's because there was a rawness to the message.

The idea that we could be hurt and hurt in serious ways and it's really up to us to decide how we want to move forward.

Many of us hold onto things and we just have a hard time relinquishing the pain because we feel that if we let it go somehow that's going to vindicate the other side. And we need to remember that letting it go is primarily for us.

Because if we let it go, then we can start to heal, and we can start to move forward. We can start to think differently about what occurred and what our future holds for us.

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